As of Monday, January 9th, 2023
This information is subject to change given the evolving nature of the situation. Please check this page regularly for updates.
This information applies to courses run in English in North America, UK, Singapore, and Spain. For information for courses in other locations, please refer to the section below with information about partner-run programs.
This section includes program status for courses in CTI’s Coach Training and Leadership pathways.
All in-person training is suspended until further notice. While we are eager to resume in-person experiences, we remain committed to your well-being and our responsibility as global citizens within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Globally, the unpredictable nature of recurring outbreaks, changing availability and physical distancing restrictions of our venues, and fluctuating governmental restrictions, create a context that is too uncertain for us to resume in-person training safely and effectively.
Coach Training Program and Co-Active Leadership Experience
All programs are currently offered online. Please visit CTI’s training page for more information or to register for online training.
For in-progress Coach Training customers, please visit your My Account page to transfer into our online courses, as new dates have been added recently.
10-Month Leadership Program
CTI has suspended running the Leadership Program until further notice.
If you have questions about the Leadership Program please visit the Leadership Program webpage or the FAQ/Support page.
For registered customers that never started their program
If you registered (with a deposit and/or additional payments) for a Leadership Program that never started due to the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, your program has been cancelled and you should have received an email on November 1, 2021 with detailed information about how your registration will be handled. If you did not receive that email or have additional questions, please contact
For customers in interrupted programs
If you had started your Leadership Program and it was interrupted due to Covid-19 pandemic lockdown you should have received an email with an update with details about your program November 3, 2021. If you did not receive that email or have additional questions, please contact
For our larger CTI community, please visit the Co-Active Network for specific information on what to do next and how to join the global conversation.
In other regions around the world please be in touch directly with local partners for the latest course status. Please refer to CTI partners for course status in the following countries.
Mexico |
+(52 1) 55 75103883 | |
China |
+86 10 85236988 | |
Hong Kong |
+86 10 85236988 | |
Japan |
03-5436-1062 | |
South Korea |
82-10-3146-5453 | |
Israel |
036911344 | |
Dubai |
+971 4 437 6484 | |
Turkey |
+90 (212) 274 00 15 | |
Denmark |
+31 418 68 29 38 | |
Germany |
+31 418 68 29 38 | |
Netherlands |
+31 418 68 29 38 | |
Switzerland |
+31 418 68 29 38 | |
Luxembourg |
+31 418 68 29 38 | |
Belgium |
+31 418 68 29 38 | |
Norway |
+31 418 68 29 38 | |
Sweden |
+31 418 68 29 38 | |
Spain |
+34 932 954 603 | |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office travel advice
Protective Measures for the public by World Health Organization