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Updated Friday 27th March 2020
A Message from Co-Presidents in Response to COVID-19
Our top priority is continuing to be responsive to the ever-changing situation and to serve the highest good for all. Day-by-day, week-by-week, the world is in a different place in its response to Covid-19. All together, we find ourselves in a sudden and inevitable strangeness of physical distancing.
Regions around the world are responding differently to Covid-19 and therefore course restart status will vary by country and location. Please stay up to date by monitoring our dedicated Covid-19 Response webpage.
This is CTI responding in social responsibility to support physical distancing. By helping slow the spread of covid-19, we can all support our community and public services in a prayer for managing this situation well and in wellness.
Our stake: Life thrives only through relationship
Physical distancing is inevitable and social distancing is a choice.
In a Co-Active world, we insist on relationship. Through relationship, we find each other and remember that compassion is what sustains human life when separation seems inevitable. Through each other we find ourselves and the wellbeing and beauty that is life. In the absence of connection, we move from distancing to isolation. When we stop connecting, we stop creating and get trapped in cycles of reaction. We can only find higher ground when we are connected to ourselves, each other and the world.
This is a considered pause and CTI will keep choosing as new information becomes available. These are not our last words. We promise to find improved ways to keep you informed as the situation and our response continues to evolve. With this in mind, we ask that you join the Co-Active Network to find the latest information on CTI’s response. We will be providing regular updates as they happen to keep you informed which includes opportunities for community engagement for continued conversation.
So, we ask:
What is happening inside the pause?
What is the gift and opportunity in the pause?
Who will you choose to be, and what will you choose to do in this social dynamic?
CTI has chosen to accelerate its plans to create alternative ways to stay in connection beyond in-person experiences.
Conversations about Co-Active Leadership
Facebook Lives: Join us on Facebook as CTI co-presidents Carey and Carlo go live each week to discuss life inside this transformational pause and how we are in relationship to ourselves, others and this bigger thing. Please “Like” our page to be notified of live broadcasts or watch back the replays at your convenience.
#IAmCoActive social video Please share with us in a short video (60 seconds or less) "How are you choosing to lead now, in the face of COVID-19?" Click this link from your mobile phone and click “record”. Doesn’t have to be perfect, just authentic.
Watch your inbox for an invitation to join a free “Brilliant Conversation: Creating The New Language of Leadership” 90-minute Zoom call the week of April 6. This free call kicks off a 6-week Brilliant Conversation Zoom series: Leading in the Pause that will explore core leadership concepts that will help navigate this new global reality we are all in together. Registration details will be available soon for this “By Contribution only” series open to anyone wanting to deepen their learning.
In response to Covid-19, CTI has been exploring new ways for our community to stay connected and continue their Co-Active journey in a more accessible way. CTI will be piloting a limited number of Online Co-Active courses in April and May. We are prioritising enrolments based on customers that have had courses postponed. Please check the Co-Active Network for the latest information.
There is much we all do not know in the unfolding mystery of this situation. What we do know is that through connection, we will continue to serve as we co-create the vision of Co-Active in the world. The upcoming months will continue to be a defining moment in our humanity. Being of service to one another and this larger unfolding ensures our survival. Trust in yourself and the infinite capacity of what we can do together through relationship.
Love ❤️,
Carey Baker and Carlo Bos
Co-Presidents, Co-Active Training Institute